With a new zoo in China leaving visitors underwhelmed, we’d like to hear about the tourist hot spots you have found disappointing

A new zoo in southern China left attendees distinctly disappointed with the range of ‘exotic’ animals on offer. Guishan Zoo, the first zoo in Yulin, Guangxi province, promised an array of rare animals – only to display some inflatable penguins in a waterless pool, a couple of roosters, geese and ducks, as well as a tortoise in a tank surrounded for by some money (reasons unclear). Bemused visitors added images of the underwhelming zoo on Chinese social media and they were soon shared far and wide.

Most tourists have experienced the disappointment of an overrated tourist attraction – be it a mis-sold zoo or a unexpectedly mundane World Heritage site. With that in mind, we want to hear your stories of which tourist spot or landmark is the most overrated you have visited, and why was it such a disappointment.

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Source: Gaurdian

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