A new SUP and digital detox break on this beautiful coast means switching the smartphone off and focusing on the meditative pull of a paddle and the rhythm of the sea

Two otters shot across the rocks and dived into the sea in front of my board. They emerged moments later on a nearby islet, with an inquisitive look and a mildly concerned peep.

I powered the paddleboard towards the white beach and, as it scuffed against the sand, jumped into the clear waters. Pulling the board above the high-tide line, I took a deep breath. The sun was beginning its fall behind the Small Isles of Muck, Eigg and Rùm, casting bright orange and red light against the clouds. Further north, the foreboding Black Cuillins of Skye were wrapped in swirling dark cloud. To the east, over the water we’d just paddled, the last of the sunlight was easing up the snow-specked Knoydart and Moidart mountains.

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Source: Gaurdian

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