Whether you’ve jetted off for a hotly contested derby or chanced on a delightful small regional stadium hosting a lower league game – tell us your stories

Watching a football match (men’s or women’s games) abroad is a great way of experiencing local culture and passions (and that’s what we want to hear about – not a report on the actual match), while going on a European city break to watch a game gives a great focal point to a trip. You might be a UK football fan with a hankering for particular team in another country, were visiting friends in a city who invited you along, or just love the sport and don’t fancy paying £50 for a ticket here!

Send us your recommendations via GuardianWitness including any relevant details about travel, friendly bars, ticket details, restaurants and places to stay. You’re welcome to add a photo if you own the copyright to it – but it’s the text we’ll be judging.

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Source: Gaurdian

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