Spectacular night skies, vast red dunes, one of the world’s longest trains and Navajo porridge are among our readers’ highlights in these beautiful ‘sandscapes’

Crossing four deserts, the Canning stock route in Western Australia extends 1,850km from Halls Creek (east of Broome) to Wiluna in the mid-west. The route was established in 1910 to break a monopoly in the beef trade. Much of it is bush track and can be undertaken with a 4WD. However, it is more usual to travel in a small escorted tour – either for the whole or a section of the trail. (Last year my father-in-law undertook a section with a group of volunteers maintaining the waterholes and wells.) The trail crosses a vast and stunning wilderness: from the red dirt of the Kimberley, the Pilbara region’s Lake Disappointment (a huge salt lake surrounded by sand dunes) to the wildflowers that appear in early spring. You may even see a camel or two. The best part of the day is when you set up camp, night falls and the heat subsides, and you sit beneath an endless canopy of bright stars thinking you could be the only people on the planet.
john redston

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Source: Gaurdian

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