The first house designed by the iconic architect – exuberant Casa Vicens in the beleaguered city’s Gràcia district – opens to the public later this month. ‘This could be a moment of peace,’ says its manager

It’s not just would-be voters in the Catalan independence referendum who have taken a knock-back in Barcelona this year. The city’s image has also suffered from anti-tourism demonstrations and terrorist attacks, and the tourist industry is down some 15% since police violence and mass rallies grabbed international headlines in October. It’s down, but resolutely not out, however.

Brand Barcelona’s comeback begins with a contribution from its heaviest hitter: Antoni Gaudí. Almost a century after his death, the architect of La Sagrada Familia is still synonymous with the city. On 16 November, Gaudí’s first house, Casa Vicens, begun in 1883, will open permanently to the public for the first time.

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Source: Gaurdian

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