It’s summer and warning signs are going up in the Mallorcan town. But can European party resorts ever really rebrand themselves?

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy … unless you live in one of Europe’s party towns, when it is a daily battle against the excesses of British holidaymakers on a mission to get trashed. Magaluf has marked the start of the holiday season by putting up signs warning visitors against drinking alcohol on the street, stripping off, fighting and even defecating in public – with fines of up to €500 (£440) for those who ignore the warnings. The signs urge tourists to “#havefunwithrespect”.

It is not the first time the Mallorcan resort – AKA Shagaluf – has attempted to put an end to the carnage that unfolds on its streets each summer. In 2015, local authorities announced a multimillion, five-year plan to put the town’s notorious reputation – and nickname – behind it by introducing fine dining and luxury hotels in the hope of attracting a more discerning clientele. The fact that it has had to remind visitors not to defecate in the street suggests the rebranding project has some way to go.

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Source: Gaurdian

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