The Italian port city has blossomed from being a frontier post at the edge of the Balkans into vibrant cultural hub – with excellent seafood

Discovering Trieste also means discovering The Carso, a steep limestone plateau that follows the Gulf of Trieste and the Slovenia border, is perfect for picnicking, hiking, biking (including e-biking) and rock climbing or just picnicking. There are half-a-dozen trails, but the Strada Napoleonica is the perfect introduction. Take a number 4 bus from Piazza Oberdan to the Opicina obelisk and begin a bracing 5km clifftop hike to the village of Prosecco (it gave its name to what is now one of the world’s most popular wines, though production is now concentrated 100km west in Veneto). Like all Carso hamlets it has an osmiza, a pop-up cantina serving vino for under €1 a glass. Prosecco’s Osmiza Verginella is one of the rare ones open throughout the year, with incredible views down the wild coastline.

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Source: Gaurdian

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