adapt workplace stress test

Workplace Options just launched a tool to test your company’s reopening readiness. Adapt, as it’s known, is like a stress test for your company.

And it’s really just a questionnaire.

It helps measure employee and management experiences during quarantine phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. And it assesses readiness for future changes.

Once you take the stress test, data is compiled in a report with specific recommended actions for organizations relating to employee engagement and health.

Adapt Workplace Stress Test

“As organizations work to navigate a new course and operate post quarantine, they can’t lose sight of the needs of their people. In the face of unprecedented change and uncertainty against the backdrop of a frightening and largely unknown disease, leaders can’t assume that their people are eager or even willing instead of able to follow a new path”, said Alan King, President and Chief Executive Officer at Workplace Options.

The uncertainty over the outbreak and its far-reaching impact have brought about challenges on how businesses operate. It is also testing the limits organizations’ stress levels and resilience, as employees and managers deal with uncertainty. With reopening underway at different rates and constraints in countries and communities across the world, that resilience will continue to be tested.

Why Measuring Stress and Resilience Matters

The Adapt questionnaire and report will help provide employers insight into organizational issues that might otherwise be hidden. It helps to measure the occurrence of stress and trauma in the workforce, work-life priorities, and attitudes toward commuting. Additionally, it helps glean insights on working from home. The experience of teamwork during the period of quarantine and concerns about risk from infection has value.

According to Workplace Option, the information can help inform strategies, help identify new support programs and plan communications. The result of taking such a measurement assists in creating an environment where employees feel connected and safe as they enter a new work world.

You can also pair the tool with additional consultation from Workplace Options, including support programs, training for managers or employees and policy development. As a supplementary package, Workplace Options is offering a wide range of resilience-building services it can deliver virtually to managers and employees.

The Adapt organizational resilience questionnaire is the first element of the new offering by the company. It is built on scientifically validated resilience and stress scales.

The questionnaire is simple, secure, easy to access and will be available in multiple languages. Participants can complete it on a computer, tablet or smartphone in about seven minutes.

The Future Workplace can be Anywhere

Thanks to remote working and cloud-based applications employees are no longer tied to their workstations at work. In fact, more employees are working remotely and being productive anytime, anywhere. By 2025 an estimated 70% of the US workforce will be working remotely at least five days each month.

From the operations perspective, businesses can save money. The costs that come with onsite business operations such as office space, equipment, insurance and even utilities. Because of the flexibility that comes with remote working productivity tends to go up as well. In terms of talent, companies get to access a wider pool of talented professionals because no location is off-limit.

From the perspective of the employees, remote working can save them an average of $4,000 a year. The savings come from forgoing payments for dry cleaning and laundry; lunches and coffee; gas for commuting and vehicle maintenance. In addition, businesses get to have the advantage of better employee retention that comes with the employee enjoying the perks of having a good work-job balance.

Suddenly going completely remote is not advisable because splitting time between home and the workplace has its advantages. Working remotely in some industries might not be possible if they rely heavily on customer interactions. But with the help of technology businesses can look to transitioning partially towards a remote workforce with relative ease.

They can manage their virtual teams by using team calendars, video conferencing, and knowledge-sharing tools to keep everyone collaborating seamlessly. By embracing flexible working practices businesses can help bring up productivity, cut costs as well as improve their bottom lines.



This article, “Workplace Options Adapt is a Stress Test for Your Employees” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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