Small Business Hub

Small business owners need technologies that allow them to pivot to remote work, staying secure. To help them, Verizon launched The Small Business Hub.

Small businesses need financial assistance, and also need more than that.

Verizon Small Business Hub

“Our new hub provides a robust destination for collaboration and support tools to guide business owners and entrepreneurs,” said Verizon Business CEO Tami Erwin. “The hub will help them reimagine their strategic visions, to align with our new world realities.”

Verizon’s VP of Business Sales said that the Small Business Hub was designed to help small businesses survive and thrive. It’s a resource to provide connectivity, collaboration and security.

“The Small Business Hub brings together valuable tools, services and advice for small businesses as they navigate through the pandemic and prepare for the future,” said Eric Spadafora, Vice President of Business Sales for Verizon, eastern United States. “According to a recent Verizon business survey, 64% of small business owners indicated they would use the resources of a resource hub that was dedicated to supporting and reviving small businesses.”

One of the features of the Resource Hub is The Comeback Coach content. The Comeback Coach is video content which showcases one to one advice and tips between coaches and small businesses. There are no fees to access the Verizon Business Comeback Coach program.

Additional beneficial small business programs which are also free from Verizon include the Security Risk Assessment Tool, Small Business Webinar series and BlueJeans Conference Tool (free seven-day offer). Read on for more info about those programs.

More About Comeback Coach

Comeback Coach is a content-driven effort.

“The premise of the program is that select small businesses will receive 1 on 1 coaching from a small business expert,” Spadafora explained. “The sessions will be documented as back of the Comeback Coach series, and the content will be available to any small business owner.”

There are no fees to access the Verizon Business Comeback program.

Spadafora said that Verizon Business is currently in the process of selecting the small businesses that will be coached. The coaches and small businesses will be announced in the coming weeks.

What’s on the Verizon Small Business Hub?

Verizon has a number of COVID-19 small business relief programs and other vital information:

One Talk – Unified Communications Service

Using VoIP and LTE technology, One Talk rings one number that can be shared across compatible devices, such as phones and desktop computers. With One Talk, customers can reach you when you’re at the office or on the go.

BlueJeans – Video Conference and Collaboration

Verizon acquired the BlueJeans platform in May 2020 to help users connect with employees, vendors and customers. “The Blue Jeans platform allows you to easily and securely hold live video calls, webinars, conference calls and online meetings,” Spadafora said. “BlueJeans uses Dolby Voice to deliver superior audio quality and other next-generation collaboration tools to provide a premium multimedia experience.”

Verizon Business Security Suite

Verizon’s services and technology solutions protect small businesses from threats. According to the 2020 Verizon Data Breach Investigations report, 28% of cyberattack victims last year were small businesses.

Small businesses are adapting through technology. Nearly half are expanding their businesses through digital and related technology, and 30% have added ways to deliver products and services digitally.

Verizon Business Risk Assessment Tool

This provides information about security vulnerabilities and a ranking in comparison to other businesses. The tool also identifies security trends and produces snapshot reports on the status of the business’s web and email security.

Small Business Webinar Series

Launched in April, it’s a weekly series featuring small business experts who share advice, insight and tips in a 30-minute webinar. It’s been hugely popular, with more than 33,000 customers viewing the content. 

Pay It Forward Live

A streaming entertainment series created to support small businesses affected by the pandemic. It’s been viewed more than 90 million times.

Looking Ahead – Verizon Business-Women-in-Business Mentorship Program

Mentorship for women-owned small businesses, in partnership with CircleAround, a subsidiary of the Girl Scouts, and the National Association of Women Business Owners. Small business leaders will take part in monthly virtual panels. The first event is scheduled for August 6.



This article, “Verizon Launches Small Business Hub and Comeback Coach” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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