in demand at home skills

The coronavirus pandemic has forced businesses to adopt to the homeworking model. Spending more time at home, the present climate is perfect for learning new skills.

In these uncertain times, adding “another string to your bow” could be invaluable in navigating unchartered business waters. Employees working from home, entrepreneurs starting a venture, and small business owners, all benefit from learning new skills.

Which skills should employees, entrepreneurs, and small business owners devote their time to learning from home?

In Demand At Home Skills

SHL, leaders in bringing AI technology into the workforce, have listed the ten most in-demand job skills. The skills have been ranked on the frequency they appear on job listings.

SQL Coding

SHL’s research found that SQL Coding appeared 1116,765 times in US job listing. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language designed to manage data stored in relational databases. Those with SQL Coding skills are in demand.

Java Coding

82,335 job listings in the US required Java Coding as a skill, the research found. Due to its compatibility and versatility, Java is one of the most popular programming languages available. Because of its popularity, learning Java Coding skills would be an invaluable investment of time and money.

Python Coding

Python Coding in the third most in demand skill for jobs in the US. Python is an object-orientated, high-level programming language with an easy-to-learn syntax. It’s also considered easy for beginners to use, making Python Coding a great skill to learn.

Spanish Language

According to SHL’s research, Spanish ranks as the most in-demand language for jobs on LinkedIn. Learning how to communicate in Spanish would be a great career or business-boosting move. Companies that invest in language training can find their client base growing.

JavaScript Coding

66,789 jobs listings had JavaScript Coding down as a must-have skill. With JavaScript Coding training, you will learn the programming fundamentals using the latest JavaScript syntax.

C Coding

C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming system. It is one of the most sought-after coding languages. Learning or sharpening skills with what is one of the most popular programming languages, would be invaluable.

C++ Coding

Now could be the perfect time in invest in C++ Coding skills. C++ is a general-purpose programming language created as an extension of the C programming language. With 7,392 job listings including C++ Coding as a skill, devoting energy into learning this programming could prove valuable.


According to SHL’s research, C# Coding was included in 35,032 job listings. C# was a spin-off of the original C programming language. The language is organized around objects instead of actions. It is especially effective for building Windows desktop apps and games. Learning C# skills from home could be a shrewd career and business move.

After Effects Design

SHL’s data shows that 25,624 job posting matched their search for the Adobe application After Effects. Learning the basics of this animation and creative compositing app can be an invaluable new skill to learn from home.

Jira Marketing

23,163 of SHL’s job listing searches included the skill Jira Marketing. Jira Core Cloud enables businesses to visualize marketing tasks and follow them from ‘to-do’ to ‘done’. Being proficient in Jira Marketing can be a valuable investment in time and energy, enabling teams to make the most of marketing projects. Another great skill to learn from home.

The Most In-Demand Job Skills You Can Learn From Home



This article, “The 10 Most In Demand Skills Right Now You Can Learn From Home” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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