Becoming a parent requires constant learning. There are some lessons that just happen through trial and error. But some new moms may benefit from those who have been there before.

That’s what Team Keeley aims to provide. Through programs like coaching and Mom Mastery University, the company wants to take some of the stress out of the early parenting days. Learn more about the business in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers an online university for overwhelmed moms.

Director of Operations Katie Lopez told Small Business Trends, “In 2021, we launched a brand new website designed to help overwhelmed moms build healthy habits, master their time and emotions and truly enjoy motherhood again. We incorporated new game-based technology to assist with positive habit-forming behaviors among moms.”

Business Niche

Creating a one-of-a-kind program that mixes education and games.

Lopez says, “This is a one of a kind program that has grown over time. We have invested time and money into growing our private social media platform and personal development gamification system.”

How the Business Got Started

With one overwhelmed mom.

Lopez explains, “It all started with Hannah Keeley. She was an overwhelmed mom with 7 kids. She found herself crying in a pile of laundry one day. Caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and decided, “if no one is going to rescue me, I’m going to do it myself.” So she studied the “mom brain” for years and came up with the “The Matriarch Method” inside Mom Mastery University that can transform a mom’s life in weeks. Now, overwhelmed moms all over the world get to experience this transformation.”

Biggest Win

Changing lives for families.

Lopez adds, “Every mom that gets a transformation is a massive win for us. But one that comes to mind is one of our students, Akeisha. She had spent a decent amount of time inside of Mom Mastery University.

“One day, her son said ‘You’re my new mommy!’ She said, ‘What do you mean? I’ve always been your mommy!’ And he replied, ‘No, you’re happy now.’ She reached out to us and thanked us for giving her son his ‘new mommy.’”

Biggest Risk

Taking out a loan while the business was already in debt.

Lopez explains, “She took out a loan in faith that the world needs what she has to offer and invested in marketing, developers and a team that would help build this university and get it to the masses. Now she is releasing multiple million dollar offers and the university is thriving.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Reinvest in the business.

Lopez says, “The world needs what we have and we would invest every penny if it meant overwhelmed, depressed, anxious moms got a transformation.”

Company Mascots

Two dogs.

Lopez says, “Hannah’s dogs (Fitz and Janie) visit our office. Always. They’re the best little secretaries!”

Favorite Quote

“If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit.” 2 Corinthians 5:13

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Image: Team Keeley, Hannah Keeley

This article, “Spotlight: Team Keeley Teaches Helpful Parenting Lessons from a Mom of Seven” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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