The beauty industry is evolving as consumers increasingly want natural and organic ingredients. But large companies don’t always live up to their promises about natural products. One entrepreneur noticed this discrepancy when purchasing these products. So he formed Motion Potion Organic & Natural Hair Products to solve the problem. Read about the company’s journey in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Sells natural hair care products.

Founder Stanley Jones told Small Business Trends, “I make my own organic hair products, from hair butter to shampoo bars.”

Business Niche

High quality products.

Jones says, “Everything is truly organic and top quality. Each container is shown individual love. A lot of our customers comment or message us about the greatness of the quality and putting our products over mainstream ones.”

How the Business Got Started

To address a market gap.

Jones explains, “Motion Potion Organic & Natural Hair Products started because I got tired of looking for and buying products that doesn’t work with my hair type. A lot of mainstream products are marketed towards African American hair but lack authenticity. So after trial and error and years of research and practice I started to create and use my own products.”

Biggest Win

Getting industry recognition.

Jones says, “I’ve gained the attention of celebrities and beauty supply stores.”

Biggest Risk

Jumping in with large orders.

Jones adds, “The biggest risk that Motion Potion has taken so far would be fulfilling large orders and making sure we have the inventory to handle them all. If not we would have had to refund a lot of orders, resulting in some unhappy customers.”

Lesson Learned

Embrace mistakes.

Jones explains, “Mistakes are learning lessons and I’m sure I’ll encounter my fair share on the way.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Creating new products.

Jones says, “I would use $100,000 for expansion and inventory stock. There are other products that we would like to add but don’t have the capital to do so.”

Favorite Quote

“The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.”

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Image: Motion Potion Organic & Natural Hair Products

This article, “Spotlight: Motion Potion Wants to Change the Hair Care Industry with Natural Ingredients” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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