how to build an email list

The goal of email marketing is to create loyal customers. That’s important when you understand that it costs a lot more to attract new clients than keep old ones.

Start from scratch and learn about building an email list by reading what’s below.

Why Email List Building is So Important

Collecting email addresses means more paying customers. Not convinced? Here’s four more reasons why you need an email list.

  • There’s Billions of Users. It’s predicted there will be over 347 billion email users by 2023. That’s a ton of potential new subscribers.
  • They’re Personal. There’s no need for a ranking system to get in front of a potential customer. Once they opt in, you’re in their inbox.
  • You Get Customers. Customers like personalized offers through email before they buy anything online.
  • Emails are Targeted. Once someone clicks on one of your sign-up forms, they are interested in your products and services. That means you can send them targeted information about what you ‘ve got to sell.

Don’t forget about compliance with the Can Spam Act. It covers commercial messages.

How to Grow Your Email List: 52 Ideas

Small businesses are always looking for new customers in the form of email subscribers. Following are some list building strategy ideas.

You’ll get in front of potential customers when you learn how to build an email list.

1. Create a CTA for Each Landing Page or Blog Post

A call to action fosters signups on opt in forms. Use strong action words.

2. Invest in Email Marketing Software

Look for marketing automation abilities. And something that works on a mobile device.

3. Personalize Your Marketing Campaigns

Invite people by asking questions on forms. Address people on email signups by name. A welcome email should have a subject line and personal greeting.

4. Collect Email Addresses at Industry Events

Event attendees can use apps. Meet potential clients face to face. Look for data verification ensuring lead generation. Another way to increase your email list sign up rates.

5. Include an Email Opt in Form on Your Facebook Page

Social media accounts have a place with list building strategies. There’s a simple drop down menu for this.

6. Create More Landing Pages

The more you create the better your email marketing efforts. Every landing page should have a supporting image.

7. Require Website Visitors to Give an Email Address to Leave Comments

WordPress allows you to enable comments and get an email signature.

8. Send Targeted Content

Integrate your CRM as part of a marketing strategy. Use names in subject lines to hit your target audience.

9. Use Ads to Capture Leads from Other Websites

Building an email list from scratch? Add forms and ads on the blogs that get the most traffic. And link to other credible sites.

10. Give Exclusive Access to Subscribers

Offer a content upgrade to subscribers. High quality content is a lead magnet. And there’s generally no cost added.

11. Offer Discounts

A discount coupon during the holidays will help your list building. Offer existing subscribers access to sales.

12.Use Social Media

You can promote a landing page by using a link attached to your Instagram bio.

13. A Contest

People sign up on social media platforms. Run a contest to boost your email campaigns.

14. Quick Videos

YouTube videos can be an effective marketing platform. Add a link in the description to sign up for your email list.

15. Use Share Buttons.

Use mobile optimized buttons.

16. Adopt A Sign Up Sheet

These work for brick and mortar stores to grow and email list. Place several signup page sheets in different spots.

17. Create Custom Content.

Attach your signup form to something like a free ebook.

18. Use the Swipe Up Feature

Share a link to your sign up page from your Instagram business profile.

19. Use LinkedIn

You can have conversations on LinkedIn and send people to sign up forms by sharing links.

20. Use LinkedIn Again

Post snippets of free content from your email newsletter on LinkedIn. Tell people to sign up to get the entire thing.

21. Ask for Feedback

On your website pages, ask for feedback. Include an opt in form that will grow your email list.

22. Blog

Create a blog post with an email sign-up form. Content marketing boosts your ranking with search engines too.

23. Guest Blog

Guest blogging is a great marketing strategy. Don’t forget to add an email signup form and CTA to the content.

24. Put Together A Webinar

Make sure participants need to register for these via email. That’s where you can include the signup forms.

25. Use Print Marketing

You can put a QR code on your printed materials. That’s an excellent lead magnet. Grow your email list by offering additional content.

26. Instagram Posts

Marketing on this social media site works. Schedule videos and photos as well as posts. Create content and link it to your bio.

27. Referral Programs

A large percentage of people will put their name on a sign up form if they’ve heard about it from someone else. That’s why you should use referral programs.

28. Add to You Tube Videos

YouTube offers what are called End Screens. Add a hyperlink to your email subscription form.

29. Use Images

Grow your email list by placing a link under any image. Use a red arrow if necessary.

30. Use A CTA in Your Bio

This works well with Instagram. Use a call to action there and add to your contact list.

31. Deploy A Pop Up

Make sure these don’t cover up the main content. Offer discounts. This company supplies exit intent pop ups using scroll depth.

32. Back in Stock

These can be used on email sign-up forms to entice new subscribers

33. Check Out Opt In fields

Shoppers expect you to ask for personal information at check out in brick and mortar stores.

34. Use Loyalty Programs

A loyalty program is an excellent way to drive repeat sales while building an email list. Offer good benefits like free gifts on these email signup forms.

35. Use Embedded Forms

These are nonintrusive. Plus they’re one of the more traditional strategies to build a subscriber list.

36. Deploy Welcome Pop-Ups

Welcome pop-ups are used on web pages to greet visitors. Make sure they include a strong CTA.

37. Shorten Forms Up

Shortening the length of lead capturing forms makes them more appealing. Keep it down to two or three different fields. Short copy makes for good email marketing campaigns.

38. Test Your Marketing Copy

A/B testing can tell you what you need to tweak including the call to action, sign-up forms. And other features.

39. Use Customer Reviews

Put these on your landing pages next to sign up forms.

40. Promote Another Website

Using a link here can drive visitors to your site and your opt in pages.

41. Grab a Partner

Create an e-book with someone you can share an audience with. That way you can split the leads generated.

42. Go To a Tradeshow

These type of off-line events will allow you to collect sign-ups directly. Meet customers face to face.

43. Try Gamification

Use quizzes and tests to encourage engagement and lead capture.

44. Try Squeeze Pages

These squeeze the information you want out of direct visitors. They also have high opt out rates. But you’ll get a high conversion.

45. Have Pre-sale Notifications

Shoppers are more willing to hand over information. They want to buy from you, but don’t have time to refresh their page. Make it easy for them and increase customer retention.

46. New Arrival Notifications

Visitors want to hear what’s new. And they’re more likely to give out personal information when you provide it.

47. Use Direct Mail

Using a QR code here that sends people to digital content.

48. Show Off Numbers

Social proof highlights how many people have already subscribed. It tempts new people to do the same.

49. Time a Survey

Keep these short. They need to pop up on relevant pages

50. Use Humor

Like A CTA that says: “No thanks, I dont want to make more money.”

51. Highlight Your Value

Use words in the CTA like “Featured” and “Access” rather than just “Sign Up.”

52. Leverage Your About Us Page

People visit this page quite often. It’s a good location for email sign-up forms

Use Our Amazing Tips on How to Grow an Email List to Implement Your Strategy

Now you have all the information on building an email list. Remember, this is an excellent way to build relationships with loyal customers and entice new ones.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, “How to Build an Email List” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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