Technology Aid in Business

From Zoom meetings to apps for boosting remote working productivity, technology has played a vital role in keeping businesses going during the pandemic. Businesses’ escalating reliance on technology is set to continue as we journey down the road to economic recovery.

Technology to Aid Business Recovery

To shed light on businesses’ dependence on tech to aid recovery, NowSourcing, an award-winning infographic design agency, developed an infographic.

The ‘How Technology Can Help the Economy Recover’ infographic was commissioned by TradeSchool Careers, providers of resources dedicated to helping prospective students find and enrol in training.

Certain Economic Changes are Here to Stay

The infographic highlights the changes the pandemic has brought to the business world. Some of these changes look set to stay for the long-term. For example, amid the health crisis, 2 in 3 Americans worked remotely. 3 in 5 workers wish to carry on working remotely after the pandemic.

Such is the demand for remote-working jobs that in March 2020, remote job listings increased by 769%, the research found.

Remote-Working Tech Continues to be in Demand

As remote working practices soar so too does the tech that brings greater efficiency and productiveness to home offices. According to NowSourcing’s infographic, the sale of Chromebooks has increased by 400% in recent weeks. Webcam sales have risen by 179%, monitors by 138%, headsets by 134%, and keyboards by 64%.

Online Collaboration and Video Conferencing Tools

With more and more work being conducted remotely, demand for video conferencing and other online collaboration tools has soared. For example, Zoom has seen a 190 million-plus increase in daily users over just three months. In February alone, G Suite attracted more than 1 million paying customers. Showing a similar pattern, real-time meetings by Google Meet have witnessed a 30x increase in daily users.

Tech Innovation in Tough Economic Times

The infographic notes how, historically, difficult economic times often pave the way for creativity and innovation. For example, the Great Depression led to the development of electric razors and car radios. The Great Recession gave rise to a host of tech companies, including WhatsApp, Slack and Uber.

Established Companies Must Innovate to Get Through Economic Crises

NowSourcing’s research points to the need for businesses to innovative to get through tough economic times. In the wake of the crash and 9/11, Apple launched the first iPod. In 2009, in the midst on the Great Recession, Mailchimp went freemium, and, consequently, grew five times in size.

Innovations that Will Help the Post-Covid Economy

The infographic lists the tech poised to play a central role in getting the economy going post-Covid. 5G infrastructure is expected to have a strong footing across the nation by 2022. Augmented and Virtual Reality is also expected to make greater inroads, as more people continue to stay at home to work.

“[The] increase in remote work and school will continue to heighten demand for reliable, universal internet access,” writes NowSource.

The research cites remote work as being a principle player in economic recovery. Not only does remote work enable social distancing, but it makes contract tracing easier. Working from home also eases childcare needs while schools are closed.

As the infographic confirms, as businesses prepare to recover and generate growth post-covid-19, it is vital they have the right tools at their disposal to nurture optimum growth.

technology to aid business recovery


This article, “How Can Technology Aid in Business Recovery? (INFOGRAPHIC)” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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