66% Working from Home

66% of Americans working from home say they are likelier to work nights and weekends than prior to working remotely. 19% of home workers admit to starting earlier and finishing later since working during quarantine.

These statistics were unveiled by JDP’s ‘Working From Home During the Pandemic’ study. JDP provide employment screening services and background checks to ensure companies hire the right people.

Working Nights and Weekends from Home

The study surveyed over 2,000 Americans who typically work in offices but have been working remotely due to the pandemic. The participants were asked their thoughts about working from home in relation to productivity, trust and freedom.

One of the key findings of the report is that homeworkers are more likely to work nights and/or weekends.

The analysis is important as it provides employers with insight into the habits, thoughts and wellbeing of employees now working remotely. Having access to such insights, employers are in a better position to adjust working practices to boost wellbeing and productivity.

Trust Within Remote Working Environments

The research explored employees’ thoughts about how much their employer trusts them when working from home. Just less than half (49%) said that they feel their boss trusts them working from home. Slightly less (43%), admit to feeling their boss trusts them for the most part. 7% of remote workers believe their employer does not really trust them working from home.

In a blog about the report, JDP raises the point of trust:

“Anecdotally, we understand that many employers are struggling to trust their employees when they’re out of the office.”

Taking Steps to Increase Trust

Failing to feel trusted when working remotely can hinder employee wellbeing and productivity. Employers struggling to trust remote workers can take steps to increase trust levels. One step could be communicating with remote teams daily. Providing clear direction and resources needed to accomplish tasks can also be effective in nurturing trust between employee and employer.

Remote Working and Productivity

The research looked at employees’ productivity levels when working from home. It found that 41% say they are more productive when working remotely. 33% of employees feel less productive when working from home. 26% of the survey’s participants say their productivity levels are about the same.

Taking Advantage of the Freedom of Homeworking

Continuing the theme of trust, JDP asked participants if they have taken advantage of the freedom remote working creates. More than half (54%) say they have taken advantage of such freedom “a little bit”. 32% said they have “quite a bit.” 14% of participants say they haven’t taken advantage of the freedom of homeworking at all.

What Remote Teams do in their Free Time

The research looked at what employees have been doing with any unexpected time off during the pandemic. Almost 30% said they have relaxed and taken it easy. 19% have been carrying out hobbies and “personal enrichment.” The same amount have been leaning news skills relevant to their career. A further 19% say they have looked for and found supplementary work. 14% of the survey’s participants say they have looked for supplementary work but have been unable to find any.

The findings of JDP’s research is important is it gives small businesses greater understanding into the mind of remote workers. Consequently, employers can make adjustments, and take steps to help remote teams feel more valued and be more productive.


Image: Depositphotos.com

This article, “66% Working from Home Say They’re More Likely to Work Nights and Weekends” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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