The hiring process can be incredibly competitive, especially when there are so many great candidates to choose from. Recruiting someone for a role is about establishing a good first impression and building their interest to pursue a position at your company.

The recruiting emails sent during the hiring process can significantly influence the candidate experience. So it’s crucial to spend some time crafting the best recruiting email templates. We’ll identify some key components needed for a recruiting email and how to write your own recruiting email template.

What Is a Recruiting Email?

When reaching out to potential candidates for roles, the recruiting process usually starts with an email. Recruiting emails are used to reach out to a passive candidate that has not applied to the role but looks like they would be a good fit. Since the recruiting email is the first point of contact between the company and the candidate, getting it right is essential as it encourages them to pursue the role.

recruiting email templates


How to Write a Recruiting Email

When reaching out to potential candidates, there are some crucial components that your recruiting email templates should include. The key is to strike a balance between providing enough information that candidates feel comfortable with the recruitment process and the company but not too much information as that might overwhelm them

Let’s look at each component of a recruiting email in more detail.

Step 1: Craft a strong subject line

The email subject line is critical because that is what ultimately entices a candidate to click and read the email. With subject lines, the key is to be tempting enough to click on while still making it a quick and easy read is important. Your subject line should include the role you’re hiring for and the company, at a minimum.

Step 2: Introduce yourself and the job title you’re recruiting

The email should include who you are and your role as a starting point. It can then go into the job title of the new role while also acknowledging the candidate’s company role. The job title is crucial to ensure that it is the right level for the person as their next career opportunity.

Step 3: Add the job description

Having some form of job details in the recruiting email is a good idea as it helps people understand whether they are the right person for the role. You don’t necessarily have to include the full job description, but you could list some of the role’s key responsibilities.

Step 4: Describe the interview process

Depending on the role, you can also include details of the interview process. This can include whether an in-person interview is needed, how many rounds there will be, and the next step for candidates interested in moving forward.

Step 5: Provide an easy way to contact your

To make it easy for a great candidate to get in touch, providing some way of contacting you to set up an interview will make it easier to capture a candidate’s attention. For example, you can include a link to your calendar so they can book a time, or ask them to provide some suggested times and dates they are available so you can move forward.

As a final selling point, you can also include information such as salary range, examples of company success, and other details to further entice the candidate into responding.


Cold Recruiting Email Template

If you’re reaching out to a passive candidate for a potential role, here is a basic recruiting email template you can use for cold emails to drive awareness about a job opening.

Think of recruitment messages as sales emails in some ways, where you are trying to sell a candidate on a new job they could be a fantastic fit for. Your cold recruiting email template could look like this:

Hi ____,

I hope you are doing well. I’m ____, a (your role) at ( your company). I see that you are currently an employee at (candidate company name), and I think your experience would be a good fit for a current open position we have at (your company). It would be great to schedule a quick call and learn more about you.



More Effective Recruiting Email Examples

If you’re seeing more cold recruiting email templates that lead to higher response rates, you can use some cold email templates and follow-up email templates.

1. Cold email recruiting email template

Hi (Name),

I came across your profile and saw that you work at (candidate company name). We have an opening at (company name) that would be an excellent fit for you, and we would love to chat more. Please let me know your availability in the next week or so, and we can book a quick chat.

Thanks! (Name)


2. Follow-up email template

Hi (name)

I reached out ___ (day/week/time frame) ago about a role we are currently looking to fill, and I think you would be a great addition to the team. Please let me know if you are interested, and we can set up a time to have a quick chat.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


3. Detailed recruiting team email for passive candidates

Subject line: Opening for (job title) at (company name)

Hi (Name)

My name is ___, and I work at ____. We’re currently hiring for a (job title), and based on your past experience at (candidate company name), we think you would be an excellent fit for this role. The job responsibilities, in brief, would include ____ (Add 2-3 high-level bullets about the role). We are currently interviewing for the position, starting with a quick phone interview with the hiring manager and then a final round of in person interviews (Change for relevant interview details).

We would love to speak with you and learn about your career goals and how this role could be a good fit. Please let me know your availability, and I can connect you with the team for a brief chat.

Best, Name


Recruiting Email Writing Tips

To ensure you’re on the same page with your candidate and putting your best foot forward, here are some essential tips to increase your response rates.

1. Be straightforward in candidate communication

No one likes to be ghosted or led on, which is where communication with the candidate plays a considerable role. Ensure your recruiting emails include all the relevant information about the position, title, salary, and job interview timelines so that candidates have all the information.

2. Be ready to answer questions

Job seekers will likely have many questions about the interview format, team members, role responsibilities, and even simple things like the office dress code. So be ready and willing to answer candidates in a timely fashion to keep them moving through the process.

3. Always provide an interview confirmation email

After the initial outreach, the follow-up communication will need to be taken into consideration. f an interview is set up, sending an interview confirmation email shows that you care and take the process seriously.

An interview confirmation email should include the following:

  • The date/time of the interview
  • The meeting link
  • Who the candidate will be meeting with, including their job title
  • Any relevant materials, such as your blog post, publications, or other material, would be helpful.

4. Follow-up emails are important

If there is a candidate you think would be a really good fit, there is no harm in sending follow-up emails (within reason). You can provide new details in each email to keep candidates warm and offer details carefully to keep their interest.

5. Send a formal offer letter if it’s a good candidate sooner rather than later

If you have recruited someone who you think is a good fit, don’t wait a few weeks to get their offer letter going. Ideally, the time between lead talent acquisition teams sending out an offer letter should be a short timeframe to keep candidates from getting snapped up by someone else.


What Is a Good Recruitment Message?

A good recruitment message has a catchy subject line and balances what the company needs with what the candidate is likely looking for. A good recruitment message should include the company name, personal detail of the person reaching out, including an email signature, and relevant information about the role.


How Do I Cold Email a Recruiter on LinkedIn?

There are many ways to reach out to recruiters using LinkedIn. The first step is usually to check if you can spot any mutual connections on their Linkedin profile, as that can make it easier to reach out to them. You can ask your mutual connection to make an introduction, or reach out to the recruiter directly and mention them.

If you do not have mutual connections, you can reach out to ask what job openings their recruitment agency is currently working on and provide some detail on yourself, so they can see if you would be a good fit for a potential job offer.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, “4 Recruiting Email Templates” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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