Navigate Rough Patches

Even the most successful small business owners hit rough patches every now and then. The ability to navigate those challenges can help you achieve sustained success. These tips from members of the online small business community can help you get through those rough spots.

Find Out What’s Wrong with Your Website

Website problems can spell disaster for small businesses. Your site offers essential information. And it may even be how customers complete purchases. So if something goes wrong, you need to fix it quickly. Ivana Taylor goes over what to do in this instance in this DIY Marketers post.

Learn the Ins and Outs of Competitive Benchmarking

Competitors constantly provide challenges to small businesses. But they can also give you a benchmark to measure your relative success. In this SEMRush post, Natalia Zhukova offers a guide to this concept.

Develop Discipline in Business

Personal discipline can help you get through many business challenges. If you develop this skill early on, you’ll be better poised to navigate issues as they arise. Lisa Sicard shares tips for developing discipline in this Small Biz Tipster post. And members of the BizSugar community weighed in on the idea here.

Run Your Small Business Like a Big Business

Small businesses generally face more challenges than their large competitors. They have fewer resources and less brand recognition. But you don’t just have to accept your fate as an underdog. In fact, there are things you can glean from those larger competitors, as Renee Johnson points out in this post.

Use Social Media Algorithms to Your Advantage

Social media algorithms are often considered to be a detriment to brands. They make it more difficult for marketers to get organic traffic or engagement. But if you understand how they work, you may be better equipped to make the most of them. In this Search Engine Journal post, Greg Jarboe offers a helpful guide.

Learn How to Effectively Jump Through Business Hoops

The path to successful business ownership isn’t generally a smooth one. You’ll likely need to jump through lots of hoops along the way. Anticipating them can help you navigate them more gracefully. Read some common startup challenges in this Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya.

Get Tax Advice at the Right Time

CPAs tend to be busy with tax work and other deadlines at various points throughout the year. If you want their undivided attention while you seek financial advice, plan carefully. In this Acuity post, Matthew May outlines the time periods where you’re most likely to reach a CPA who’s not under major stress.

Use Community Engagement to Reach Social Media Success

Businesses are likely to experience social media hardships if they simply post their own content. But if you engage with a community, you’ll be better poised for success. Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media dives into the idea in this post. And the BizSugar community shared their views on the post here.

Navigate Packaging Design Changes

Many brands are changing their product packaging due to COVID-19. If your packages aren’t currently suitable for high safety and sustainability standards, it’s time to step up. Read this Crowdspring post by Katie Lundin for more on how packaging is changing.

Stay Organized When Blogging All Day

Organization can be tough for busy bloggers and business owners. If you struggle to keep up with your own creative ideas, there are options. This post by Jamie T. Wiseman on the Miss Millenia Magazine blog has tips for bloggers.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].


This article, “10 Tips to Navigate Rough Patches and Achieve Sustained Small Business Success” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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