Business Strategies for Success

No matter how established you are in the business world, there’s always something to learn and change. From auditing your strategies to improving small aspects of your marketing, it’s important to look for areas of improvement. Read on for tips from members of the online small business community for adjusting your current strategies.

Start a Marketing Communications Audit After These Events

Auditing your marketing strategy regularly can help you find the tactics that work and eliminate those that don’t. But when should you perform this important task? In this UpCity post, Taylor Haynes details four business events that should trigger an audit.

Sharpen Your Content Processes

If you’ve used content marketing for your business, you likely have processes in place to produce and publish. However, using the same processes for years may lead to stale content or inefficiencies. If it’s time to sharpen your processes, read the tips in this Content Marketing Institute post by Andrea Fryrear.

Use These Smart Strategies to Improve Your Blog

Bloggers must constantly adjust and change their strategies. Whether you’re new or established in the blogging world, there’s always something to learn. In this Blogging Wizard post, Adam Connell shares lessons he’s learned through the years. And BizSugar members discussed further here.

Reach Hyper-Growth Status

Lots of small businesses want to grow quickly. But there are a few that actually reach hyper-growth status. This may not be possible for every startup. But you may be able to learn something from the strategies these companies use. Learn more in this Process Street post by Leks Drakos.

Rebrand Successfully in 2021

You may have a strong brand that has served your small business well for years. But every company needs a refresh now and again. If you plan to rebrand this year, this Crowdspring post by Ross Kimbarovsky may help.

Improve Email Marketing Deliverability

If you want to step up your email marketing this year, you might focus on improving deliverability. This puts your messages in the hands of more subscribers and potential customers. And there’s one very simple step that may help. Kevin George elaborates in this Biz Penguin post.

Increase App Store Downloads and Engagement

Apps provide a powerful opportunity to reach mobile customers. But if you want to accomplish these goals, you need solid engagement. To improve in this area, check out the tips in this Search Engine Watch post by Guy Sheetrit.

Get Familiar with the Social Media Universe in 2021

Just because you’ve used social media in the past, doesn’t mean you’re familiar with how things work in 2021. Many platforms and trends have changed in recent years and months. So you need to learn about the landscape in 2021 to create an effective strategy. Learn more in this Social Media HQ post by Christian Zilles.

Follow These Small Business Blogs in 2021

Small business blogs offer helpful resources and tips for aspiring and established entrepreneurs. But if you haven’t updated your subscription list in a while, you may be missing out on quality content. This Loganix post by Adam Steele includes 20 blogs to follow this year. And the BizSugar community provided commentary here.

Improve Google Rankings Without Getting Penalized

Improving SEO requires constant adjustments. You might improve and then get penalized, which could undo all your hard work. To make improvements without taking those steps back, read this post by Neil Patel.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [email protected].


This article, “10 Tips to Adjust Your Current Small Business Strategies for Success in 2021” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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