Financial technology (Fintech) and the internet have enabled the creation of online loan marketplaces. Marketplace lending is made possible by technology platforms that use scoring algorithms to determine the borrowers’ ability to repay. Online loan platforms were first created by non-bank owners who act as brokers, collecting a fee to match borrowers with lenders and…

Instagram currently has more than 800 million users. 35% of all adults in the US use Instagram, and it’s only growing. Even as it’s parents company Facebook faces a PR nightmare with issues on privacy, promoting hate speech, and being questioned about the roll that Russian hackers plays on it’s platform, Instagram has remained untouched…

The issue of Internet addiction is grabbing headlines, which is presenting businesses with a new set of challenges as people spend less time online. And when they do spend time online, 94% of consumers say they want an easy to navigate website. This is according to a new survey by Clutch which looked to identify…

Catchpoint recently announced new SaaS Monitoring products specifically geared to Office 365 and Salesforce. The new products are designed to smooth over the issues for small business SaaS application users during outages and slowdowns. Small Business Trends got in touch with Vandan Desai, Senior Product Manager at Catchpoint, to learn more. Desai started by explaining the…

Holiday season in full swing and digital marketers are focused on finishing out the year strong. Get an extra edge these actionable tips from bona fide social media experts, including Neil Patel and Mari Smith. You’ll find ideas for holiday campaigns, bidding strategies, organic ways to drive traffic to your unicorn content and more. I’ll start with my…

You have an idea for an exciting new business.  You’ve done your research and you’ve written a business plan.  Now it’s time to answer the big question – how to finance a business.  Let’s take a look at your options and the things you’ll need to consider in your quest for business funding. Small Business…