The extreme northern coast of Norway is an unspoilt land of wonder, and the perfect place to enjoy the eternal dawn
Plus three more adventures in the midnight sun

Midnight. Morning. A shard of sun cuts through the cloud. Due north, not east, from my lighthouse. Gulls scream below us as they circle Flatøy fyr, our uninhabited island near Nordskot, northern Norway. We are on our own here for a few days, just me and the photographer Howard Sooley. We are 300km inside the Arctic Circle. Standing on top of the world.

I have been getting up around dawn for a year or more, absorbing the daybreak and recording it. I am writing a book, a manifesto for morning, about why it means so much to me, the change from night to light, making time to be (by) yourself. So I’ve come north for the summer solstice to see if there can be dawn without dark, if morning needs the night-time at all.

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Source: Gaurdian

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