The Hope valley | BAME children’s book characters | Christmas cake | Road tripping | 2CVs | Pasta straws

Much as it delighted me to see a photograph of the valley in which I was born (Hope and glory, 23 July), I had already saved the same photo from the Guardian of 13 July to display at the annual Rumsey family reunion held in Hope each August.
Kathleen Leonard (nee Rumsey)

• Re Only 1% of children’s books have BAME main characters, study finds (17 July). In the 1940s, my mother used to carry two books to read to me on the train or bus. One came from a missionary society (via my granny) and was about a little African girl called Abwa, who wanted a picture of Jesus. She, and the other characters, were, of course, black. The other was about a rabbit called Velvet. He was black too.
Isabel Monk

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Source: Gaurdian

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