In sheds, gardens and fields in the north of the island, wine growers run makeshift guachinches, selling their own wine and excellent local food
In the green, wine-growing areas of northern Tenerife, sharp-eyed visitors might spot makeshift restaurants in garages and courtyards. These unpretentious places are guachinches, originally outlets for small growers to sell their surplus wine. The atmosphere is convivial and relaxed. Oilcloths in vibrant colours cover the tables and they are traditional, family-run affairs: the men selling the wine and women in charge of the food.
Cheese, bread and wine – mostly red – arrive first. The menus, with low prices (and cash only), feature traditional dishes such as carne cabra (goat meat), garbanzas (chickpea stew), papas arrugadas (Canarian boiled potatoes with a wrinkly, salty crust) or carne fiesta (marinated fried pork).
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Source: Gaurdian