One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make is they try to be everything to everyone especially when they launch their company.

The reason is their company just needs revenue from anyone and want to see what products or services customers buy. This method is a sure way to hasten your failure since you are not able to highlight your company’s targeted value and focus your marketing efforts.

In fact, when you go too broad, everyone becomes your competitor which is a very tough place to be.

Interview with Alice Vaughn of Offensive Crayons

On the Small Business Radio Show this week, Alice Vaughn, the creator of Offensive Crayons, an adults-only box of crayons for the “wildly artistic with a healthy sense of humor”, shows how to successfully focus to a narrow niche especially after getting banned many popular sales platforms.

Alice believes there is a business niche for everything. She recommends looking at what your interests and hobbies are and how you can serve that community worldwide. Alice started her company as a Kickstarter project and after the Daily Mail picked up the story, she was fully funded in a few days. When her product was banned from Amazon, Shopify and Reddit, she was forced to become more creative with her advertising.

Alice now promotes her brand through humor. She adds that “I make fun of everyone; something can be tragic and funny at the same time”. Alice recommends “fanning the flames” of your biggest supporters so they become your company evangelists. She does this by “leaning into my disrespectful brand in all my marketing and customer service emails.” Her company also solicits names of new crayons from her customers!

If you want customers to come back, Alice believes you have to provide “value even when they are not using your service or product through other information and activities.”

Listen to the entire interview at the Small Business Radio Show.


Image: Alice Vaughn

This article, “Why You Need Pick a Niche for Your Business” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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