Skyroam has launched its Solis Lite 4G LTE global WiFi hotspot geared to provide 4G LTE connection. The Solis Lite is shareable with up to 10 devices at the same time and comes with a virtual SIM offering unlimited LTE data in over 130 countries.

Retailing at $119.99 this puck-shaped WIFI companion comes in handy during business travels, the home office or the shop. It offers unlimited daily or monthly WiFi or data by the gigabyte. You can also register and choose the pay-as-you-go. The Solis Lite is a follow up of Skyroam’s Solis X hotspot.

New Skyroam Solis Lite Hotspot

Solis Lite Hotspot comes with its own Solis WiFi App that allows users to buy WiFi, set up and manage your hotspot. You can connect to the Solis X’s internet connection either by using your phone, your laptop’s Wi-Fi menu or through the Solis Wi-Fi app. This WiFI hotspot is also compatible with both iOS and Android.

With two simple steps, the Solis Lite allows you to get connected around the world. All you have to do is download the Solis WiFi mobile app, go through the easy step by step guide and you are set. Besides the sleek design, this portable WiFi will protect you from the security risks of public WiFis.

 Solis Lite Hotspot

image: Skyroam

What Solis Lite Offers

This WiFi hotspot comes with a 4,700mAh battery that lasts more than 18 hours. The unit charges using a USB-C port and all that power means you can also charge your phone- subbing as a power bank as well.

In addition, the fast 4G speed with 25 frequency bands including on FDD-LTE, TDD-LTE, and WCDMA offers reliable connectivity. This one-button device is easy to use, easy to store and can fit (3.5”x 0.9”) into your pocket.

Soli’s powerful hotspot comes with Skyroam’s patented VirtualSIM technology where users can always get the best local connection at home or while on the go. This means you do not need to purchase a SIM card when you are abroad or get an additional internet plan.

Solis WiFi provides a comprehensive service for you including buying the subscriptions. The unlimited Global monthly subscription is set at $99 a month. With this plan, you get up to 20Gb high-speed data per month, but it slows after that. If you are looking for an unlimited global day pass it will only cost you $9.

The e-SIM provider through partnering with cellular partners across the globe now allows its users to access unlimited data across the world. This means you save money from those roaming charges. This is great for businesses that are constantly on the go across countries because you no longer need to get a local SIM card to get connected.

The Value of a Reliable Connection in a Digital Ecosystem

Digital technology is redefining how businesses interact and generate value for their customers. Speed in accessing information and responding to queries is more important today in this fast-paced business world. A reliable internet connection will help you with your response time, improve productivity, and deliver a reliable service. This also comes in handy for companies that have employees working remotely.

Whether it is the Solis Lite or another device, having reliable connections at all times is now a valuable asset. Having backup solutions to your connectivity will ensure your customers can always reach you and vice versa.


Image: Skyroam

This article, “Skyroam Solis Lite Hotspot Keeps You Connected Virtually Anywhere in the World” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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