grant freeman thryv interview

This is an economic downturn like we never have seen in this country in the last 100 years because states mandated the closing of so many commercial enterprises. But this also can mean that it might be the quickest recovery small businesses have ever seen.

On the Small Business Radio Show this week, Grant Freeman, Vice President of Client Success, at Thryv discusses how unique this pandemic is and how companies need to be prepared for a surge in business.

Interview with Grant Freeman of Thryv

He expects this to happen as states begin to reopen their economies since there was a long period of time where consumers could not spend their money locally. Grant compares this to the aftermath of a natural disaster.

He suggests every small business needs to let their customers and prospects know they are open.

And he urges every company to “overcommunicate when you’ll be open or your plans for reopening. Invest anything you can afford to remain visible and findable online.”

But he thinks that loyalty may go “out the window” since customers can’t get in to see their preferred provider or favorite restaurant with reduced capacity limits. According to Grant, this is when consumers will start to search again online and there can be a large shift in market share.

Grant recommends staying in touch with your past clients and to be honest about steps you are taking to protect everyone’s safety once this is all over.

It’s critical to reassure every customer that it will be safe interacting with your company. He urges small businesses to tell consumers exactly what they are doing in this area.

Grant says, “Now’s the time to communicate, commit to your team and customers’ safety, and invest in the community that supports you. Recommit to your community. Support other struggling small businesses and members of the community with your goods, services and time.”

Listen to the entire interview on how you can prepare for the surge on the Small Business Radio Show.



This article, “Grant Freeman of Thryv on Success During the Surge” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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