It can be easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in the daily details of running a business. And sometimes, that can lead to them forgetting some of the basic elements that are essential for running a successful business. To get back to basics, check out these tips from members of the online small business community.

Build a Freelance Website That Gets You Clients

So many entrepreneurs today are choosing to build freelance businesses. But if you want to actually get clients as a freelancer, you need a quality website that appeals to your target audience and gives them the relevant information they need. Jeremy Noronha explores that concept in this AND.CO post.

Position Your Small Business to Compete with Big Brands

No matter the size of your business, you’re probably going to need to compete with large corporations in one way or another. When this happens, you need to have a strategy for positioning your business in a positive light. Learn more in this Teach a Talent post by Chris Lancaster.

Become a Better Entrepreneur with a Few Great Podcasts

Podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics — including business. If you’re looking to improve your skills as an entrepreneur, check out this 99signals post by Sandeep Mallya for a selection to add to your list. Then see what members of the BizSugar community had to say here.

Gain Organic Traffic from Sources Other Than Google

When you think about bringing organic traffic to your website, Google is probably the number one source you have in mind. But it’s not the only one. In this Search Engine Journal post, Brian Harnish discusses how you can target other sources of organic traffic for your small business website.

Take a Holistic Approach to SEO

Your search marketing strategy can target organic traffic, paid campaigns or a combination of different methods. If you want to make the biggest possible impact, you might take a holistic approach that includes multiple strategies. Check out this Bright Local post by Chris St. Jean for more insights on the subject.

Keep Your Business Alive with Social Proof

Social proof can help your business appeal to more potential customers since they can see insights from neutral third parties, like your past or current customers. In fact, some businesses simply cannot survive without social proof. Ashlee Brayfield dives deeper in this post on the Crowdspring blog.

Determine the Success of Your SEO Campaigns

If you want your SEO campaigns to yield major results, you need a way to measure what they actually accomplish. In this 3Bug Media post, Gary Shouldis goes over some methods you can use to determine the success of your small business’s SEO campaigns.

Learn Some Important Social Media Takeaways

Social media has now been around for decades in various forms. So what have we learned? In this post, Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media goes over a timeline and shares some insights for you to use in your current social media strategies. And BizSugar members had a conversation about the post and takeaways here.

Find Out What Makes an Entrepreneur Sought After by Investors

Investors don’t always go out of their way to seek out certain startups or founders. But when they do, you should take notice. If you want to make your small business more attractive to potential investors, check out this Startup Professionals Musings post by Martin Zwilling.

Manage Remote Employees Effectively

Remote employees can be invaluable to small businesses. They allow you to find the best talent, regardless of location. And they can help you save money on location expenses. Learn how to manage your remote employees effectively in this post by Ivan Widjaya of SMB CEO.

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This article, “Get Back to Basics with These Expert Small Business Tips” was first published on Small Business Trends

Source: Small Business Trends

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