Failure is unavoidable in business. So it’s important to look at failures and challenges in a productive way. This allows you to move forward with new perspective. Members of the online small business community have done this countless times. Find their tips and insights below.
Tackle Failure from the Right Angle
Failure is a natural part of running a business. So when you come across a roadblock, it’s important to be able to learn from it. In this post, Bill Quinn of E. Quinn Consulting offers perspective to help business owners make the most of failure.
Make Your Brand Stand Apart with Effective Problem Solving
The way your team problem solves can make a big difference in the customer experience. If you can navigate issues gracefully, it can make you stand apart from the competition. In this Target Marketing post, Rum Ekhtiar compares two brand examples and discusses the differences.
Adapt Your Business to Your Current Circumstances
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the landscape for a lot of businesses. If you try to hold onto the way things were, you could get left behind. But if you adapt your business, you may be able to learn and grow. Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive discusses here. And members of the BizSugar community added their own thoughts to the discussion.
Improve Visitor Engagement on Your Website
Lots of small businesses focus on getting more website visitors. But engagement may be an even more useful thing to look at. If you’ve so far been unable to create an engaged following, read this SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya for tips.
Learn About Your Liability Issues
Businesses in various industries are likely to face some kind of liability issues. Overlooking them could potentially spell disaster. In this CorpNet post, Nellie Akalp goes over potential liabilities for accounting businesses. But many may apply to similar industries as well.
Include Feedback Optimization in Your SEO Strategy
You can’t expect every element of your website to be perfect immediately. So you need feedback to make necessary improvements. This can be a helpful part of your SEO strategy, as this Marketing Land post by Abby Reimer outlines.
Learn These Important Crisis Leadership Lessons
Many businesses will face crises from time to time. How you navigate those situations can determine whether or not your company survives. To up your game in a crisis it can help to look at what experts have done. This SmallBizDaily post by Tapan Patel features some examples.
Try These Underrated Marketing Trends
When new marketing trends arise, it’s common for tons of businesses to jump on the bandwagon. But it may be more beneficial to look for those that aren’t quite as popular. James Miller lists some in this Pixel Productions post. Then BizSugar members offered thoughts here.
Be Aware of Common Social Media Threats
Cybersecurity issues can lead to major problems for small businesses. And many of those threats lurk on the social media channels you already use. To avoid irreversible damage, you need to be aware of the most common sources. Christian Zilles elaborates in this Social Media HQ post.
Take in Lessons During a Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has led to major shifts for a lot of businesses. But those challenges can also be looked at as lessons. In this 3Bug Media post, Gary Shouldis shares lessons he’s learned during the crisis.
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This article, “10 Ways to Reframe Failure and Look at Business Challenges Differently” was first published on Small Business Trends
Source: Small Business Trends