Running a business requires being open to new concepts and ideas. Whether it’s a new product or a new marketing strategy, entrepreneurs must always be prepared to learn and grow through the years. Here’s some tips and ideas from members of the online small business community to help you adapt and learn about new concepts that might help your small business marketing today.
Learn the Four P’s of Marketing
Before you can get really specific with your marketing strategy, you need to cover the basics. Simple tricks to help you remember the important things can be beneficial in this area. Neil Patel shares one in this blog post.
Differentiate Your Brand with Text Message Marketing
While tons of brands are focusing on social media and search marketing, fewer offer text messages to communicate with their customers. So educating yourself in this area may help you set your small business apart. Greg Sterling elaborates in this Search Engine Land post.
Focus on Social Media Engagement
A lot of brands create social media marketing campaigns that involve sharing messages with customers. But engagement may be more important than marketing, as Muhammad Shoaib argues in this Pixel Productions post. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community here.
Implement Branded Hashtag Campaigns on TikTok
TikTok is still a fairly new social media platform. But it’s already making a major impact for a lot of brands. If you’re still learning how to make the most of this tool for your marketing, you may be interested to learn about the company’s case study on branded hashtag campaigns. Get the facts in this Social Media Today post by Andrew Hutchinson.
Re-Balance Your Advertising Strategy
Through the years, marketing and advertising trends come and go. And some brands tend to get hung up on specific ideas and concepts. But 2020 is changing things for a lot of companies. So it may be time to adjust your way of thinking when it comes to advertising. This Target Marketing post by Chao Liao has more.
Adapt Your Marketing to a New Normal
Businesses and customers have been undeniably impacted by COVID-19. So your marketing plan should probably change as well. In this CorpNet post, Nellie Akalp offers tips for adjusting your messaging to help customers feel comfortable and confident doing business with you.
Get the Facts About Franchise Profits
If you’re thinking about starting a franchise business, you probably want your operations to be profitable as quickly as possible. Everything from your marketing to your location costs money, so there are a lot of things to consider when making this calculation. Joel Libava of The Franchise King discusses further here.
Learn About Google’s New Ranking Factors
Since search engines can make such a big impact on your marketing strategy, it’s essential to keep up with Google’s ranking factors. This SMA Marketing post by Ryan Shelley includes a guide to the latest update. And BizSugar members shared their thoughts on the post here.
Look at the Impact of Technology on Your Business
Technology is constantly evolving and changing the way small businesses operate. So it’s important to be intentional about the tech you use and how it can impact your marketing and overall success. In this Small Biz Daily post, Smith Johnes outlines some of the most impactful ways that technology has changed business operations.
Improve Online Sales with Great Images
The visuals you include with your content and website can make a major impact on the customer experience. This part of your marketing plan may be overlooked, so it’s important to learn what makes a powerful image and how to integrate them into your small business content and website. Learn more in this Biz Penguin post by Ivan Widjaya.
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This article, “10 Tips for Learning Lessons and Evolving Your Small Business Marketing Strategy” was first published on Small Business Trends
Source: Small Business Trends