This advice contains additional information on local laws. The level of advice has not changed. Exercise normal safety precautions in Singapore. Source: Smart traveller

Drug laws have recently changed, but it remains illegal for foreigners to purchase marijuana for personal use (See Laws). The level of the advice has not changed. Exercise normal safety precautions in Uruguay. Source: Smart traveller

Dotted around Bordeaux, Les Refuges Périurbains are architect-designed shelters that cost nothing to stay in – though don’t expect hot tubs or minibars A giant Mr Whippy ice-cream is floating on the edge of a lake. A slender water tower rears out of a clearing in the woods. These strange structures are Neptunea and Le…

High and handsome amid beautiful Swiss scenery, the Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge offers hikers a time-saving, jaw-dropping experience The world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge has opened in Switzerland, inviting walkers to brave a narrow path running 86 metres above the ground at its highest point. The Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge, in the Swiss Alps, near…