There has been a spike in the number of cases of the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus in July 2017. The level of advice has not changed. Reconsider your need to travel to Bangladesh. Source: Smart traveller

The number of violent crimes, including kidnapping, remains high on both islands (See Safety and security). The level of the advice has not changed. Exercise a high degree of caution in Trinidad and Tobago. Source: Smart traveller

​The State of Emergency called in October 2016 in response to protests and unrest in the Oromia and Amhara regions was lifted on 4 August 2017. Continue to monitor local media and avoid all large gatherings and protests as the security situation may change at short notice. The level of advice has not changed. Reconsider…

High temperatures claim lives and raise fears about water shortages across Europe August has seen holiday dreams turn into nightmares across much of Europe by a combination of a heatwave so bad it has been named after the devil, protests against tourists, and airports transformed into overcrowded traps. High temperatures have claimed lives in Italy…

Ukraine’s third city is home to sights including the Potemkin Steps. Now the port’s glorious past is taking centre stage with its Istanbul and Greek gardens Looking like a living Liberty print, Odessa’s new promenade park spills over with blossoming flower beds, picnics and couples waltzing in the shade. Tantalising slivers of the Black Sea…